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Movie Info

Genre: Drama

Synopsis: A look at the early years of boxer “Irish” Micky Ward and his brother who helped train him before going pro in the mid ’80s. A look at the early years of boxer “Irish” Micky Ward and his brother who helped train him before going pro in the mid ’80s.

Rated: R for language throughout, drug content, some violence and sexuality

Directed By: David O. Russell

Now playing at  the 5 Drive -In Theatre, Friday to Sunday Plus Tuesdays.

The Fighter” is a boxing movie. But even more it’s a family movie, a story of a brawling clan that doesn’t draw a distinction between love and manipulation.

Based on the life of the former junior welterweight boxer, David O. Russell’s film walks a fine line between hilarious observation — these people are walking cartoons — and compassion for their fears and aspirations.

Don’t like boxing movies? No problem. “The Fighter” isn’t like any other boxing movie you’ve seen.
This movie impeccably combines the pleasures of a big entertainment with the provocative food-for-thought of a motion picture with loftier goals in mind than simple diversion.

Trailer: [youtube][/youtube]

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