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Manny, Diego, and Sid embark upon another adventure after their continent is set adrift. Using an iceberg as a ship, they encounter sea creatures and battle pirates as they explore a new world.

Our favourite characters are returning to the big screens of our drive-ins this Friday July 13th.

 This is the best “Animation Series” I have ever watched; Ice Age. Fantastic !! A whole new adventure that everyone at any age can enjoy.The animation was beautiful. With each film in the series, the animation gets better. The scenery and colors were great, and the characters were well done as well. I was really impressed by the film. It was so funny and amusing. Couldn’t stand to reach today to watch Ice Age 4 for a year. While watching this film I got a strong political message about getting together with the people that you couldn’t agree with. — maybe it should be required viewing for all world leaders! I and probably most viewers of “Ice Age” hope that this is not last part for this funny action. THANKS to those who contributed in this action train..

Be sure to come to the Drive-in Theatre to watch this great summer movie in Digital!

5 Drive-in Theatre, Oakville

Starlite Drive-in Theatre, Hamilton

Sunset Drive-in, Barrie

Here is something special for you, the link below is an online ICE-AGE game that is a lot of fun, all you need to do is click and sign in with your facebook account and you are ready to begin playing a fun game suited for all ages:



Please check the websites for more information:

5 Drive-in Theatre, Oakville

Starlite Drive-in Theatre, Hamilton

Sunset Drive-in, Barrie

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