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The car companies have assumed the majority of the burden of entertaining us, but Budweiser, Samsung, Coke and Tide steal the show.

The Super Bowl featured some 55 commercials that cost 40 advertisers $3.8 million to $4 million per 30-second slot for the airtime on the CBS broadcast, which was expected to be watched by up to 111 million viewers.

Which commercials did the best? According to USA Today’s AdMeter, we favored ads that told a simple story with a wisp of wonder. Folks wanted ads that made them feel good.

Our top favourite ads:

Budweiser, “Brotherhood”
Ram Trucks, “Farmer”



This year’s contest winners present a mixed bag. “Fashionista Daddy” is funny and shows that the Doritos are so irresistible that burly men will go to great lengths. Yes. A product benefit. “Goat 4 Sale” features a screaming goat (this being a thing on the web). Funnier than the other spot, but seems to imply that Doritos are so noisy as to be an annoyance.


This consumer generated ad is very similar to our Drive-In Theatre contest called the ‘Bloober Contes’t running year around. For more information please visit:

Tide, “Miracle Stain”


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